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Forensic Interviewing – a trauma-informed approach

21 September 2021, 17:00

Online event

The main focus of Professor Milne’s work over the past twenty years has been the examination of police interviewing and investigation. She has worked closely with the police (and other criminal justice organisations) to create novel interview techniques, develop training, run interview courses, and provide case advice. She was part of a team which developed the Achieving Best Evidence Document relating to interviews of vulnerable and intimidated witnesses and victims, and recently worked with Dr Kevin Smith (NCA), National Vulnerable Witness Advisor on the witness interview strategy for critical incidents (WISCI). She recently opened the Centre of Forensic Interviewing at the Institute of Criminal Justice Studies, which carries out research and training in investigative interviewing for all types of investigator at all stages of their career. In this session Prof. Milne will examine the research underpinning best practice guidance (e.g. ABE) and will focus on one primary model of interviewing: the cognitive interview, and what practically needs to be undertaken when interviewing in a trauma-informed approach, including when interpreters are part of the interviewing team.

You can book for this event via the XING Ticket Shop at